Selection of appropriate processes for a sustainable regional energy use from agricultural and forest biomass with system dynamics modeling

This paper presents the structuring, built, calibration and application of a system dynamics simulation model to quantify the present and future comparative advantages and disadvantages of using forest and agricultural biomass for energetic purpose through different processes and technologies, on a regional basis.

A dynamic structure of the agricultural and forestry biomass process activities - production, transportation, conversion and consumption - based on regional time-series data has been built, implemented into and calibrated with a dynamic simulation tool (Vensim) within a Hungarian county. Besides agriculture and forestry, the model includes further relevant sectors of the county, such as demography, economy, environment, land use, etc. Realistic storyline scenarios of future biomass processes have been formulated, characterized by quantitative sustainable development indicators and simulated with the dynamic model. This allows to analyze and evaluate not only partial prosperous or adverse characteristics of biomass production processes, but also the complex integrated feedback system of relating components and their development over the time. The results prove that the introduced model supports decision making of biomass utilization in a regional scale, through comparing and analyzing quantitative changes of economic, social and environment indicators, which characterize the indispensable factors of sustainable development.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Venice Conference 2006 (November 2006)
Seiten: 14
Preis: € 14,00 Kostenlos für Premium Mitglieder
Autor: Nora Szarka
J. Wolfbauer
O. Kakucs
Dr. Alberto Bezama
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