Closure practice and after-care of sanitary landfill sites critical remarks from two decades of practical experience

Experience from landfill reclamation in the past leads to a critical assessment of measures, usually thought to be necessary for the long-lasting and sustainable behaviour of MSW landfills. In order to obtain minimum time for after-care, emphasis should be laid on the continuous stabilization of the waste body.

These particulars require the definition of a tolerable amount of emissions which have to be valuated over the total period of occurrence rather than drawing an appraisal of mass flow at the moment of closure. The contemporary method of encapsulation and mummification, applied in Germany, cannot be described as sustainable in many cases. Data from risk assessment and monitoring of 15 landfill sites that in some cases cover a period of 30 years have been evaluated. These investigations show that in some cases, the two-layer top capping can be inevitable; in many other cases, different measures such as the continued operation of the bioreactor reveal much better results on the whole. Every landfill site should therefore be treated individually according to its geological setting and its technical design.  

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: General Session B (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 10,00
Autor: Dr. Winfried Entenmann
Jörg Schelling
Dipl.-Ing. ; Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Dölemeyer
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