A great number of Municipal Solid Waste Landfills have been operated during the last century and closed after they have reached their final volume. In addition many sanitary landfills have been closed in May 2005 as a direct consequence of the adapted legal situation (ban of un-pretreated waste at MSW landfills in Germany). Today many of these landfills are still emitting biogas and polluted leachate into the environment as sufficient protection barriers have not been installed at that time. The emissions are caused by mainly anaerobic biodegradation processes which are supposed to continue for very long time periods (decades or even centuries) after landfill closure, depending on the waste characteristic and other site specific conditions like water content, pH and etc. (Heyer, 2003)

Controlled biostabilization is an instrument for reducing costs, especially due to the significant reduction of the aftercare phase. In this regard a R&D project for the accelerated biostabilization of the old landfill in Kuhstedt by means of in situ aeration has been conducted over a period of 8 years in order to investigate both, fundamental processes to occur during aeration and the application and operation of the system in full scale. During an aeration period of 6 years different operation modes have been tested and the system performance has been optimized. Criteria for the completion of the active aeration have been developed in the course of the project and complied during the last year. Biostabilization by means of in situ aeration proved to be beneficial with respect to the minimization of LFG production rates (thus contributing to a reduction in the release of greenhouse gas emissions as well) and improvements in the leachate quality. Following the end of forced aeration, innovative energy self-sufficient systems (wind driven aspirators and air injection pumps) for long term aerobization are currently tested on site.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session F (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 10,00
Autor: Dr.-Ing. Marco Ritzkowski
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stegmann
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