Historically the animal manure has had a beneficial effect to the soil and was considered as an agriculture resource. Currently many concerns are related with the chicken manure management, due, mainly, to the huge dimension of the modern intensive farmhouse and the great daily production: odour problems during spreading and storage of manure, contamination of water and soil and other negative consequences in all the environmental sectors (Burton et al., 2003). Furthermore animal manure could lead to harmful health effect either to animal as well as to humans, as recent investigations regarding the chicken flue and BSE have shown (Stegmann and Bade, 2005).

The anaerobic digestion (AD) is an appropriate solution for the treatment of chicken manure. The main problem in AD is the inhibitory effect of free ammonia (NH3). In order to improve AD and find the threshold level for free ammonia, a set of 9 experiments in mesophilic range, with stepwise increase of ammonia, were carried out in 4 glass-batch reactors for 8 months in the laboratories of Institute of Waste resource management of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH). An initial inhibition can be to noted around 250-350 mg N-NH3/l with a slight decrease in yield of Specific Gas Production (SGP) (80% of maximum), followed by a second phase with a decrease in SGP i.e. 60-70% of maximum in the range 350-400 mg N-NH3/l. An initial instability of system can be observed, for value higher than 400 mg N-NH3/l the SGP dropped suddenly to 6-14% of maximum gas production value, with values around 25-60 Nl/kg VS. The optimum SGP was found in the range 150-250 mg N-NH3/l with a SGP up to 400 Nl/kg VS, equivalent to 60% of Theoretical Gas Production (ThGP). Values below 150 mg N-NH3/l are suboptimal for SGP. It seems that fast stirrer seems do not lead to an enhancement in AD, whereas slow stirring had a mild beneficial effect on the SGP.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Workshop H (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 10,00
Autor: M. Segatto
Dipl.-Ing. Olaf Bade
K. Lehmann
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stegmann
Raffaello Cossu
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