Global warming caused by anthropogenic carbon dioxide and the depletion of fossil fuels are leading to an increased utilisation of renewable energy sources. In the search for alternatives fuels made from biomass or waste will gain in importance. The energy recovery of biomass is deemed to be balancing the carbon dioxide concentration of the atmosphere, even though carbon dioxide is produced just as well as by the combustion of fossil fuels. But contrary to the combustion of fossil fuels an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide is accumulated in the growing biomass in case of a sustainable production.

Renewable primary products and refuse derived fuels will gain in importance in combustion technology. While the behaviour of fossil fuels like coal is well-known, there are still many uncertainties about the behaviour of refuse derived fuels in combustion plants. Conventional methods for the characterisation of fuels are not sufficient for an estimation of the combustion behaviour, since there is no information about the release of volatile matter at different temperatures and the calorific value of the volatile matter. The present contribution describes the development of a new method for the characterisation and classification of different fuels. The main principle of the method is the examination of the release of volatile matter at well-defined temperatures. The results provide information about the nature of the volatile matter released at different temperatures and about their calorific value. The results can be used for the optimisation of plant engineering and construction as well as for line operation. Additionally, the results can be used for the selection and the production of fuels.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session E (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 10,00
Autor: Dr. Thomas Marzi
Dr.-Ing. Asja Mrotzek-Blöß
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Görner
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