Since June 1st 2005, in Germany, treatment of municipal solid waste (MSW) is required before deposition without any exception. This means either deposition of incineration ashes or mechanically-biologically treated waste (MBP), formerly called mechanically-biologically pretreated waste. Optimum compaction of this residual waste is required after layering. As MBP, in its mechanical behaviour is quite different from conventional MSW, the ASA, the German association of most of the owners and waste management companies as well as local authorities of landfill sites, operated with MBP, initiated large field tests on the Lueneburg landfill site. These in-situ tests were carried out in order to find out the fundamentals for layering and compaction technique and how to achieve best results.

Since 2005 German legislation allows deposition, solely of either mechanicallybiologically or thermally treated municipal solid waste (MBP). In order to obtain a waste body of high shear strength and low settlements, to be expected after landfilling, placement has to be carried out by application of techniques that are known from road construction. In order to establish the appropriate compaction technique, large-scale compaction tests were carried out. These tests revealed optimum compaction by use of heavy vibration roller compactors. Thus, unit dry weight of 20 % above Proctor density can be achieved even with water content far below the Proctor optimum. Wet material, in some cases even material with water content in the range of the Proctor optimum, leads to insufficient bearing capacity of the waste body for the operation of compaction machines. The compaction energy can therefore not be applied.


Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session E (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 10,00
Autor: Dr. Winfried Entenmann
Petra Wendt
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