The Austrian Landfill Ordinance regulates limit values for Respiration Activity (= “Atmungsaktivität”) RA4 (AT4) < 7 mg O2/g DM, Gas Generation Sum GS21 < 20 Nl/kg DM and alternatively Gas Evolution (= “Gasbildung”) GB21 < 20 Nl/kg DM). In 2004 Austrian Standards for these parameters were established (OE-NORM S2027-1to3). Research at the Institute of Waste Management, BOKU-University Vienna (=ABF-BOKU), has demonstrated a good correlation between GS21 and AT4. The correlation coefficient for 70 samples (dark squares) is r = 0.94 (Figure 1). Nevertheless in Austria to assess the quality of MBT-output, both Respiration Activity plus Gas Generation Sum (or Gas Evolution) should be analyzed, because - as praxis showed – one of the biological tests sometimes show lower measured values caused by
retardant conditions for the microbial community.

In 2005 an amendment of the "Austrian Landfill Ordinance" came into effect (BGBl. Nr. 194/96) in Austria. Limit values of Respiration Activity (= "Atmungsaktivität") AT4 < 7 mg O2/g DM (dry mass), Gas Generation Sum GS21 < 20 Nl/kg DM and alternatively Gas Evolution (= "Gasbildung") GB21 < 20 Nl/kg DM were established. In 2004 Austrian Standards for these parameters followed. On one hand these tests are very time consuming (4 resp. 21 days), on the other hand in several cases lower findings may led to misinterpretation of MBT-Output (e.g. drying out of material, insufficient oxygen supply, production of metabolic products). Over the last 5 years at ABF-BOKU more efficient methods have been developed for use in the assessment of MBT-quality. Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) and Thermogravimetric methods seem to be particularly promising. Statistical tools (multivariate data analysis, PLS-regression) have enabled development of models allowing an accurate interpretation of the FT-IR spectra. This paper presents first results of a study performed with the aim of developing a partial least squares regression model (PLS-R) of infrared spectra and "reliable values" of Respiration Activity for MBT waste to predict Respiration Activities of new samples and identify "lower findings".

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session E (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 9
Preis: € 9,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing Erwin Binner
Dr. Katharina Meissl
Maria Tesar
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