The opencast lignite mine Grube Johannes located at the southern edge of the city of Wolfen is being used as a landfill and settling pit by the local industry, above all by the photochemical combination Wolfen (later film factory Wolfen) since about 1920. It became the international symbol for a threatening chemical pollution in the Bitterfeld area and the object of numerous press revues under the name "Silbersee" ("Die Leute werden dun im Kopf" – “The people are becoming dull in the head”; Spiegel, 8. Januar 1990)

In 1995 the method and equipment for this innovative floating, walk-on Biofilter were developed using economical means with the purpose of reducing emissions (especially H2S) of toxic and foul smelling viscous sludge of the Grube Johannes (Silbersee). A continuous layer of Biofilter was installed on gas-permeable floats over an area of sludge covering 45,000 m². Now, 11 years later, the Biofilter is still operating in the open nature in a self-optimizing manner: 85% of the valid immission-measurements drop below the limit of detection (1,4 µg H2S/m³) and less than 1% of the immission-values lie over the WHO-limit (7 µg/m³).

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session D (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 10,00
Autor: Peter Harborth
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Fricke
Fred Walkow
R. Basmer
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