Food waste from households causes manifold problems in the management of residual waste. Due to the organic substances biodegraded under aerobic and anaerobic conditions from the time food waste is thrown into the waste bin, problems occur at almost all stages of the waste management system. This is especially true since residual waste with a specific organic content or heating value has to be pre-treated before landfilling, in line with recent legal guidelines. Additionally, unpleasant odours are developed, waste bins and the collection vehicle are contaminated, various types of animals are attracted to feed on the waste, and several environmentally toxic liquid and gaseous emissions are generated by the biodegradation processes.

Food waste from households causes manifold problems in the management of residual waste. Due to the organic substances biodegraded under aerobic and anaerobic conditions from the time food waste is thrown into the waste bin, problems occur at almost all stages of the waste management system. The paper describes two studies carried out in different regions in Austria and compares the results of detailed waste sorting analyses. The selection covered five groups of regions – from a metropolitan area of a city over 1.5 million inhabitants (Capital City of Vienna) to rural area with 38 % people working in the primary sector of industry (mainly agriculture and forestry) in Lower Austria. Within these four groups several areas and municipalities were investigated by means of waste sorting analyses. The results of the studies are compared and regional as well as socio-economic differences in the amount of food waste  generated are elaborated.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session D (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 7
Preis: € 7,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Felicitas Schneider
Dipl.-Ing. Gudrun Obersteiner
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