Waste management systems are generally designed for the diversification of waste streams, with the objective of achieving high recovery rates, complying with legal requirements and enabling the most efficient kind of treatment (recycling, pretreatment or disposal) for each waste category (cf. Salhofer, 2001; Salhofer & Lebersorger, 2002). This also implies that the collection system has to be evaluated again and accordingly adapted if some basic conditions as for example legal requirements or treatment technologies change. (Session A16: Public participation and acceptance (II))

In January 2004, several Austrian municipalities changed their collection scheme for light-weight packaging as a consequence of changes in the legal framework. While all kinds of packaging from plastics and composite materials had previously been recovered separately, subsequently only selected components such as bottles were targeted. The effect of this change on people´s attitude and behaviour was evaluated by a case study in two municipalities. A questionnaire survey and composition analyses of the separately collected light-weight packaging were used in order to obtain data on the people´s self-reported and actual behaviour. The results show that, with the exception of an initial shortage in the provided container volume, the outcome of the change can be considered successful. However, the self-reported behaviour is only a very limited indication of people´s actual behaviour.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: General Session A (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 10,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Sandra Lebersorger
Dr. Stefan Salhofer
Dipl.-Ing. Roland Linzner
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