Fachartikel Abfallvergärung

Dipl.-Ing.  Josef Barth


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Schwerpunkte: Josef Barth is senior consultant and an expert in the field of organic waste treatment, compost qualit incl. certification and compsot marketing.

Aktuelle Tätigkeit:Dipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Journalist Josef Barth ist Geschäftsführer der INFORMA Kompostberatung und des Europäischen Kompost- Netzwerkes ECN.

He is now working for information services for German, Austrian and Swedish Quality Compost Producing Plants.

Frühere Tätigkeit:He has been working for both governments and industrial clients all over Europe.

Mitgliedschaften:He is the founder of INFORMA (Consultation Office for Information and Marketing in Waste Management).

He has been a member of the Board of the German Compost Quality Assurance Organisation for several years.

Fachbeiträge: Status and Trends in Biological Waste Treatment in Europe (9/2006)

Strategies for the implementation of the EU Landfill Directive in different Member States (9/2006)

Vorwort 6. Internationale ASA-Abfalltage (2/2006)

Preface 6. International ASA Waste Days (2/2006)

Strategies for the Implementation of the EU Landfill Directive in Different Member States (2/2006)

Concepts for Environmentally Safe Soil Application of Stabilised Organic Waste (12/2005)

Products From Waste - an Industrial Perspective (3/2004)

Europäische Entwicklung im Bereich der Bioabfallbehandlung vor dem Hintergrund der EU-Bioabfallrichtlinie und der Bodenschutzstrategie (4/2003)

Europa behandelt biologisch (8/2002)