Fachwissen zu allen Erneuerbaren Energien

Christian Garaffa

Novamont Spa

261 Besucher auf diesem Profil
Schwerpunkte: Certified biodegradable and compostable polymers.
Separate collection of organic waste.
Composting and anaerobic digestion.

Aktuelle Tätigkeit:I'm Marketing Manager for Source Separation and Recycling at Novamont, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of certified biodegradable and compostable polymers.
With an academic background in biology and ecology, I'm managing cooperation projects with local authorities, private and public waste management companies, retailers and other stakeholders focusing on consumer needs, performance of separate collection schemes, material and energy recovery technologies like composting and anaerobic digestion. The goal of these projects is to secure genuine environmental benefits by introducing products with a low environmental impact made of Mater-Bi® a certified compostable resin containing native starch and other raw materials of agricultural origin.

Fachbeiträge: Statistical Analysis of residential Food waste capture rates in Italy at municipal and regional level (6/2012)

The Advantages of compostable bags for Food waste collection (6/2012)

Evolution of a collection scheme in 15 years: quality and efficiency in the North Italian experience (6/2010)


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