Fachwissen zu allen Erneuerbaren Energien

Dr.  Efstratios Kalogirou


19th km. Markopoulou Ave., Peania

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Schwerpunkte: Waste Management specializing in thermal treatment methods

Aktuelle Tätigkeit:Vice President of Global WTERT Council, headquartered in Columbia University, USA. President of the Greek Waste-to-Energy Research & Technology council (WTERT), called SYNERGIA. He is a member of the Board in WTERT/USA, in Columbia University.

His scientific fields are energy from waste, potable water resources and ozone sterilization technologies. He is involved in important environmental projects worldwide. He is author in many scientific and tecnical papers.

Ausbildung:Graduate of the Polytechnic School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (five years duration). Department of Chemical Engineering. Grade Mark: 8 ''Very Good'' (Mark range 0-10). Graduated on March 21st, 1994.
Ph.D. at the National Technical University of Athens, Department of Chemical Engineering.

Auszeichnungen / Ehrungen:Thomaidio Award from the National Technical University of Athens for the Science Progress (January, 2000)

Mitgliedschaften:Member of the Board in WTERT/USA, in Columbia University
Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece
Member of the Panhellenic Society of Chemical Engineers

Fachbeiträge: Overview of the Waste Management Situation and Planning in Greece (9/2016)

The Global WTERT Council and its Role in Advancing WTE Technologies (9/2011)

Heating value of residues and waste derived fuels from different waste treatment methods (5/2011)

Waste Management in Balkan Region (10/2010)

WTERT-Greece: Waste Management in Greece & Potential for Waste-To-Energy (10/2010)

Municipal solid waste management scenarios for Attica and their greenhouse gas emission impact (10/2009)

Waste to energy solution for municipal solid waste (6/2009)


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