Fachwissen zu allen Erneuerbaren Energien

Prof.  Nickolas J. Themelis

Columbia University, Earth Engineering Center

264 Besucher auf diesem Profil

Ausbildung:Graduate of McGill University in chemical and metallurgical engineering

Fachbeiträge: A Guidebook for Sustainable Waste Management in Latin America (11/2014)

Generation and Disposition of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in the United States - A National Survey (1/2014)

The Global WTERT Council and its Role in Advancing WTE Technologies (9/2011)

Striving for Sustainable Waste Management in a Rapidly Developing World (10/2010)

Contributions of the Earth Engineering Center to understanding the impacts of waste management on climate change: 2008-2010 (10/2010)

Trends in recycling and means for increasing plastics recycling (10/2010)

Results of the BioCycle/Columbia 2010 survey of waste generation and disposal in the U.S. (10/2010)

Where Greece stands on the Ladder of Sustainable Waste Management (6/2010)

Don't trash waste-to-energy plants (10/2009)

Energy and materials recovery from municipal solid wastes at the island of Rhodes (6/2009)

Potential for energy generation in Greece by combustion of asreceived or pre-processed (RDF/SRF) municipal solid wastes (6/2009)

Potential for reducing global methane emissions from landfills, 2000-2030 (10/2007)

Thermal treatment review (8/2007)

Sustainable Waste Management for the 21st Century (2/2007)

Methane generation in landfills (4/2006)

The State of Garbage in America (4/2006)

Capture and Utilisation of Landfill Gas (9/2005)

Waste in a land of plenty - Solid waste generation and management in the US (10/2004)

The Case for WTE as a Renewable Source of Energy (5/2004)

The State of Garbage in America (1/2004)

Transport and Chemical Rate Phenomena (8/1995)


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