Fachartikel Waste to energy

Dr.  George Perkoulidis
Scientific personnel

Aristotle University Thessaloniki
Lab. of Heat Transfer & Environmental Engineering
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

53, Mousson

576 Besucher auf diesem Profil
fax: +302310996012
mobile: +306907600918
Internet: http://aix.meng.auth.gr/lhtee/index.html

Fachbeiträge: Evaluation of sewage sludge production patterns in Greece in the frame of integrated material and energy recovery (6/2009)

Comparative assessment of collection and transfer schemes of municipal wastes for supplying a new waste-to-energy facility (6/2009)

Bio-methane potential from cattle and pig wastes in Greece (9/2008)

Development of a methodology for the evaluation of different municipal solid waste anaerobic digestion technologies (11/2006)

Berechnung des Methanpotenzials im Biogas der neuen geordneten Deponien Griechenlands (9/2006)