Fachwissen zu allen Erneuerbaren Energien

Assoc. Prof.  Avraam Karagiannidis

Aristotle University Thessaloniki
Mechanical Engineering
Lab. of Heat Transfer & Environmental Engineering

1136 Besucher auf diesem Profil
Schwerpunkte: Behandlung und Recycling von Abfällen

Aktuelle Tätigkeit:Associate Professor
Energy Division, Laboratory of Heat Tranfer and Environmental Engineering

Ausbildung:Dr. Mech.Eng. - M.Sc.

Fachbeiträge: Heating value of residues and waste derived fuels from different waste treatment methods (5/2011)

Greece confronted with the new Waste Framework Directive (6/2010)

Climate Impacts of Municipal Solid Waste Management Scenarios for Athens, Greece (3/2010)

Plasma gasification for waste treatment and energy production (6/2009)

Study on production patterns and characteristics of non-household, non-hazardous municipal wastes (6/2009)

Evaluation of sewage sludge production patterns in Greece in the frame of integrated material and energy recovery (6/2009)

Comparative assessment of collection and transfer schemes of municipal wastes for supplying a new waste-to-energy facility (6/2009)

Assessing the sustainability of waste-derived biofuels in Greece (6/2009)

Developing practical guidelines for an observatory center on a progress of implementing projects on renewables and waste/wastewater (6/2009)

Guidelines on feasibility assessment of generating renewable energy from organic waste and biomass in developing countries (10/2008)

A feasibility study for renewable electricity production from organic residues on the island of phu quoc, vietnam (10/2008)

Developing a sustainable landfilling framework for greece: assessment of the biomethane potential from sanitary landfills (10/2008)

Chances for Biogasgeneration and Application in Vietnam (9/2008)

Bio-methane potential from cattle and pig wastes in Greece (9/2008)

Perspektiven und Hinderungsgründe für die energetische Abfallverwertung in Griechenland (3/2008)

Abfallwirtsaft in Entwicklungsländern und Klimawandel (9/2007)

„Abfallwirtschaft von E-Schrott in Griechenland: Gegenstand und Perspektiven“ (3/2007)

Development of a methodology for the evaluation of different municipal solid waste anaerobic digestion technologies (11/2006)

Atmospheric dispersion and deposition of PCDD/FS from a landfill fire in Tagarades, Greece (11/2006)

Berechnung des Methanpotenzials im Biogas der neuen geordneten Deponien Griechenlands (9/2006)


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