Critical analysis of high moisture MSW bio-drying: the Romanian case study

Bio-drying is an aerobic pre-treatment of municipal solid waste that shows its best performances when the waste has a high moisture content. This is a typical characteristics of the waste of low-income countries. The bio-drying process exploits the exothermic reactions developed in the core of the waste thanks to a regulated aeration. The aim is
the generation of a material with a higher Lower Heating Value (LHV), using a little part
of volatile solids present in the waste.

 The increase of LHV depends on the water extraction and, if implemented, on the post-refinement treatment aimed to the production of refuse derived fuel. The present paper shows the main results of a co-supervised doctorate research (Italy and Romania) aimed to study the viability of the bio-drying process in both the countries. In the present work the critical analysis of the viability of bio-drying in Romania is presented, based also on experimental data and taking into account the consequences of the recent entrance of Romania in the European Union.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: MBT 2007 (Mai 2007)
Seiten: 12
Preis: € 6,00
Autor: Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Elena Cristina Rada
Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Marco Ragazzi
Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Tiberiu Apostol
Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Valeriu Panaitescu
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