Optimisation of the MBT Schwanebeck

After the completion of the MBT Schwanebeck on 01/06/2005 its capacity was noticeably expanded. In the course of the expansion process and also during the operation time of two years by now numerous actions were implemented to increase the operating safety of the plant and to control the stability of treatment costs. This paper reports
about the actions for optimisation and their impact on the energy demand.

Already the mechanical-biological waste treatment plant which was put into operation in Schwanebeck in 1998 was supposed to ensure a landfill site space-saving disposal in the administrative district of Havelland and to minimize climate-relevant emissions. The permitted capacity of the plant was 29 000 t/a. After a mechanical pre-treatment rotting took place in static windrows based on the chimney ventilation method on a sealed asphalt surface. The stabilized waste, which was hence reduced in volume and mass, was then transported to the landfills of the administrative district. The erection and operation of this plant led to a number of valuable experiences which have proven themselves extremely useful in planning and operating the following plant on site.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: MBT 2007 (Mai 2007)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 5,00
Autor: Dr. Matthias Kleinke
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