Areas of use for residual and waste materials – sewage sludge in particular – in sanitation and recultivation of landfill sites.

The regulations set out in directives on landfill sites and the regeneration of landfills will in future limit the use of residual and waste materials in the surface sealing layer of the sites. In the sections relating to the profiling, levelling, sealing and drainage layers, it will now only be possible to use mineral materials and what is more, for the most part inert mineral materials.

It will, under certain conditions, still be possible to use organic materials for the recultivation layer. A very interesting concept from both economic and ecological standpoints is a so-called ‘water balance layer’ based on sewage sludge soil.
A seven year pilot run in large-scale lysimeters showed a reduction in seepage to below 10% of precipitation, thus increasing the basic functionality of the water balance layer.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: Praxistagung Deponie 2006 (Dezember 2006)
Seiten: 0
Preis: € 8,50
Autor: Dr.-Ing. Udo Pauly
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Peitzmeier
Stefan Rehfus
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