Anaerobic pre-treatment effects on the aerobic degradability of waste water sludge

Nowadays more and more waste water treatment plants use sludge composting after anaerobic digestion as an aerobic post-treatment step. Both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria utilize the same degradable organic material in the sludge as a carbon source. It can be assumed, that the rate of anaerobic pre-treatment influences the compostability.

Our goal was to contribute to the optimization of the sequential anaerobic and aerobic treatment by investigating the effect of anaerobic stabilization on the aerobic degradability of sludge. In our laboratory scale sequential anaerobic and aerobic experiments unstabilized, dewatered municipal waste water sludge and digested sludge were used. The degradation was calculated on the basis of comparing methane production expressed in COD in the anaerobic treatment or oxygen consumption during composting and the COD of untreated sludge. The effect of anaerobic pre-treatment on aerobic degradability was evaluated, which gives a good basis for the optimization of the combined anaerobic - aerobic sludge treatment. By implementing our experimental method data can be supplied incase of other raw materials as well to help investigate optimization of sequential anaerobic and aerobic treatments.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2006 (September 2006)
Seiten: 7
Preis: € 3,50
Autor: B. Szücks
M. Simon
Dr. György Füleky
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