Integrated sustainable decentralised bio-waste utilisation approach in Thailand

Thailand is currently producing around 14.4 million Mg municipal solid waste per year. But management of it is a huge task, which depends upon successful programs for recycling and reuse; providing safe and effective waste collection and disposal; availability of sustainable financing and effective contribution from policy makers, the public and civil society.

Annually more than 4.5 million Mg of recyclables are thrown away. The recycling rates are kept low by limited number of formal recycling programmes and low levels of public participation (World Bank et al., 2003). On basis of such conditions a pilot project were developed and implemented, that followed the idea of integrated sustainable waste management. Pilot area was the Assumption College Thonburi, a private school in Bangkok / Thailand. An evaluation identified an inadequate separate collection system but informal recycling activities of some waste categories also under which bio-waste is included. Part of leftover from canteen are sold to farmers but green waste is not recycled. Furthermore some environmental education activities in lesson could be detected as well. Nevertheless, the existing system had potential for improvements and expansions. Depending on this information an improved and adapted integrated sustainable waste management concept were developed. It highlights waste avoidance possibilities, source separate collection of recyclable materials such as green waste as well as utilisation of it at a school own new constructed compost plant. The concept covered also activities for awareness campaigns to all people at school and development of an environmental education curriculum. On basis of green waste the closed material cycle is shown.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2006 (September 2006)
Seiten: 6
Preis: € 3,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Gunnar Hädrich
Prof. Dr. Ing. habil. Werner Bidlingmaier
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