The hungarian compost industry – historical development, current status and future directions

Hungary has a surface area of 93.000 km2 in Middle Europe, a population of 10.000.000, and its capital is Budapest.

In Hungary the agriculture plays an important role, its area is more than 5.000.000 km2. We have a very instructive history at composting but there were a break in development in Hungary similar to another contries in Europe because of the general use of artificial fertiliser for the maintain the soil fertility. Nevertheless at the XIX century a farmer called Herényi Gothard Sándor had composted the municipal solid waste with peat and had written a famous book about it „Solid waste composting in cities” in 1891. From the 50th years in XX. centary in the time of socialism there were many obligotary composting projects but without success and the low level quality of compost had given a negative image for composts. In the last decades was improved that the industrial intensive agriculture occurs many environmental problems and can not be a sustainable way of agriculture. The amount of organic material, the pH level and the soil fertility decreased in hungarian soils, too. The animal manure production in Hungary decreased rapidly so in the year 1970 we had more than 20 billion tons pro year today less than 4 billion tons pro year. In the last century the most important waste „treatment” for the municipal solid waste (MSW) was landfill but according to the 31/1999 EU landfill directive and in Hungary the Waste low from 1. Januar 2001 is obligatory the reduction of organic in landfill. To achieve this target we have to introduce the selective waste collection and the composting.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: ORBIT 2003 (Mai 2003)
Seiten: 6
Preis: € 3,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Beata Bagi
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