Can inorganic fertiliser substitute for organic amendments in the rehabilitation of saline, sodic ore refining residues?

Organic amendments would generally be attractive additions for revegetation of ore refining residues that mostly contain negligible organic matter. However organic materials may not be available on mine sites in sufficient quantities and are bulky to handle. In the present study, the opportunities for substituting inorganic fertilisers in place of organic materials (poultry manure, and straw) were investigated for three alkaline, variably saline residues: Bauxite residue (mixed sand and clay fractions), Bauxite Residue sand, and Gold oxide residue.

On gypsum-amended, leached Residue sand and Bauxite residue N, P, and Mn were potentially deficient for plant growth. On the Residue sand, complete inorganic fertiliser was effective in stimulating plant growth because it corrected the deficiencies of N and P and partially corrected Mn deficiency. By contrast, on bauxite residue and gold oxide residue which remained saline, sodic and alkaline even with gypsum amendment and leaching, inorganic fertiliser alone was not effective in correcting nutrient deficiencies on these residues and plant growth was strongly limited by excessive Cl uptake. Maximum growth on Bauxite and Gold oxide residues was obtained with a combination of inorganic fertiliser and poultry manure. On the strongly saline and alkaline silty clay residues, inorganic fertiliser alone was a poor substitute for organic amendments which supplied nutrients and increased plant tolerance to saline substrate.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: ORBIT 2003 (Mai 2003)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 5,00
Autor: Dr. Richard W. Bell
N. Fletcher
Ingrid Krockenberger
A. Samaraweera
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