High Grade Performance Proof on Sealing Elements according to TA Luft 

The high grade performance of gaskets for bolted flange connections in terms of TA Luft and VDI guideline 2440 assumes the fulfilment of the following requirements:

Similar requirements are effective for packages of stuffing boxes, in which the type test is carried out under more intensive boundary conditions compared to the flange connections: real operating pressure and stem strokes.
In addition to the explicitly mentioned requirements in VDI 2440 further requirements should be seen as important in view of the assurance of high grade performance:

High grade performance proof of gaskets, more correctly of gasketed bolted flange connections has to be regarded as a complex matter in opposition to common interpretations and involves more than just the compliance with a certain leakage rate criterion of a special type test.

Copyright: © Vulkan-Verlag GmbH
Quelle: 3R 6 / 2004 (Juni 2004)
Seiten: 0
Preis: € 9,00
Autor: Dr.-Ing. Hans Kockelmann
Dr. Rolf Hahn
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