Trends for composting and optimised collection schemes for biowaste in Europe.

There is a diffused awareness among decision-makers that, albeit a different implementation of strategies might occur in different situations (e.g. urban vs. rural context, Northern vs. Southern Europe, etc.) biological treatment will play an important role (a growing one in least developed situations) in forthcoming European strategies for Waste Management.


Here we briefly describe what are the most important driving forces in the EU regulatory framework (and its scientific rationale) for recycling and composting.

Since one of the main concerns, whenever a sorting scheme for biowaste has to be implemented, is the supposed increase in costs of collection, we herewith provide information which goes against received wisdom, thereby highlighting what tools may be adopted to achieve an overall operational and economic optimisation of schemes for source separation.

The development of composting for selected biowaste: a matter of quality Since the mid eighties (first schemes in Germany were successfully established in 1983), composting has undergone an impressive growth across Europe Even before that time, composting had been adopted as a disposal route for MSW, through the attempt to sort the putrescible fraction mechanically; this strategy proved to be unsuccessful mainly due to the following reasons:


Copyright: © HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst - Fakultät Ressourcenmanagement
Quelle: 64. Informationsgespräch (April 2004)
Seiten: 14
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Dr. Enzo Favoino
Attilio Tornavacca
Dr. Massimo Centemero
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