Products From Waste - an Industrial Perspective

What makes a product a product? This question is becoming the main focus of the recycling industry after it has learned to collect and to treat a waste stream successfully.

The close connection to the waste with its often very suspicious images and potenzially harmful ingredients makes it obvious that it can not be the recycling industry alone which defines the product property and thus makes a “product” out of treated waste. Possible harmful effects on the environment and humans require precaution and an effective monitoring of the waste.

Copyright: © HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst - Fakultät Ressourcenmanagement
Quelle: 64. Informationsgespräch (April 2004)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Prof. Dr. Ing. habil. Werner Bidlingmaier
Dipl.-Ing. Josef Barth
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