Klimaschutz durch Grundrechte - gerichtliche Kontrolle staatlicher Klimaschutzmaßnahmen

Der Klimaschutz ist aktuell Gegenstand weltweiter juristischer Debatten. Unter dem Stichwort 'Climate Change Litigation' werden Antworten auf die Fragen gesucht, wer für den Klimawandel haftet, wer von wem eine Entschädigung für klimabedingte Schäden bzw. für Vorsorgemaßnahmen gegen solche Schäden verlangen kann und ob der Staat zum Ergreifen strengerer Klimaschutzmaßnahmen verpflichtet werden kann.

In December 2019, the highest civil court in theNetherlands sentenced the Dutch state to reduce the country's greenhouse gas emissions by 25 % by the end of 2020 compared to the reference year 1990. This obligation arose from the duty to protect in Art. 2 and Art. 8 ECHR, which, based on the broad international consensus and the state of climate science, oblige the Netherlands to comply with this standard. In Germany, such an action will be dealt with at the Administrative or Constitutional Court, although the legal standing is problematic. Unlike in the Netherlands, the ECHR is not directly applicable. However, its evaluations must be taken into account when interpreting the fundamental rights of the  Constitution. The state's duty to protect is part of the fundamental rights of the German Constitution. However, thestate has a wide margin of appreciation in the fulfilment of its duties to protect. Thus, the courts can only examine whether the existing regulations for the protection of the endangered fundamental rights are completely unsuitable or completely inadequate.

Marie-Christin Stürmlinger

Copyright: © Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Quelle: EurUp 02/2020 (April 2020)
Seiten: 17
Preis: € 32,00
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