Klimawandelbewältigung im Non-ETS Sektor in Deutschland und Österreich

Ein neues Rechtsgebiet im Vergleich

Fighting climate change and coping with its consequences is a common challenge for Austria and Germany being neighbouring federal states and parties to the Paris Agreement. In this context, the reduction of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and adjustment to the consequences of climate change (adaptation) play an equally important role. In this contribution, therefore both norms, pertaining to the field ofmitigation aswell as adaptation,will be analysed.Moreover, we will look into the constitutional as well as selected fields of the statutory legal framework (outside the emissions trading system) to be able to delimitate the new field of climate law.

Prof. Dr. Maria Bertel und Dr. Lena Kohlrausch

Copyright: © Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Quelle: EurUp 04/2023 (Dezember 2023)
Seiten: 18
Preis: € 32,00
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