Comparative analysis of the industrial dust efficiency use as a filler in building composite materials

The article presents a comparison of the characteristics of several types of
industrial dusts in terms of their use as a filler in polymer compositions. To confirm the possibility of using the studied waste, their material composition and properties were studied. The paper presents studies on the processing of industrial dusts into polymer composite materials for construction purposes. The characteristics of the developed composite materials have been studied. The influence on the strength characteristics of composite materials of the shape of dust particles, their size distribution, the value of the specific surface area, and the maximum packing density of particles is determined. The prospects for the use of dispersed mineral waste for the production of building composite materials are considered.

Processing of large-tonnage industrial waste is currently an important task to ensureenvironmental safety. The lack of a full integrated use of raw materials in production,technologies that are not always used to perfection lead to the formation of man-made waste atvarious stages of the production cycle. One of the problematic stages of the technologicalschemes of enterprises is the system for cleaning waste gases from metallurgical and thermalpower enterprises, where the use of captured industrial dust by returning to the cycle is eithernot provided for by the technology, or the conditions of these materials, or they are the endproduct of the technology, like ash and slag at coal-fired power plants. However, such wastesare mostly inert and do not have hazardous properties, so there are technologies for their largetonnageuse, for example, as man-made soil during reclamation or road construction (Bharathi2022). Also known methods of disposal of dispersed mineral industrial waste is the manufacture
of building materials: cement, concrete, ceramics (Gaustad 2020, Mane 2022).

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Recy & Depotech 2022 (November 2022)
Seiten: 6
Preis: € 3,00
Autor: Dr.-Ing. Olga Ulanova
E. V. Zelinskaia
V.V. Barakhtenko
A. E. Burdonov
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