A System Model of the Recycling of Critical Raw Materials from Wastes and By-Products in Austria

The development of the high-technology industry plays an important role for the economic growth particularly in industrialized countries. This industry has a big demand on raw materials which are considered critical due to their economic importance and their associated supply risk (e.g., REE, gallium, germanium, PGE and tantalum). Subsumed under the collective term critical raw materials (CRMs), 14 of these materials were first defined by the Resource Initiative of the European Commission in 2010 and have been updated to 20 in 2014, since the supply with CRMs is crucial for European economies. In consequence the Austrian economic location, being part of the European economic area with a developing high-technology industry also depends in CRMs. Therefore also the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology defined a specific list of materials that are critical or potentially critical for the country and the future manufacture of technological products as well.

This paper provides an interim report from an investigation on the Austrian recycling system of critical raw materials (CRMs). The investigation is mainly based on a literature review and a subsequent Delphi survey and aims at providing a system model of the CRM recycling in Austria. The Delphi approach allows both to identify and evaluate the driving factors in the investigated system. The present report focusses on a preliminary system model which was created based on the findings from the literature review and the first round of the Delphi study. This system model contains the main factors of the system and illustrates their interactions on three different levels (framework, stakeholder and activity). With this model we reveal that on the framework level in particular the factors price of CRM, incentives and legislation, on the stakeholder level the producer behaviour and on the activity level the export of end-of-life products play a crucial role to understand the recycling of CRMs in Austria. Such an understanding can have important practical implications for managers and policy makers in order to develop the appropriate drivers to secure current and future supply of CRMs in Austria.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Recy & Depotech 2016 (November 2016)
Seiten: 6
Preis: € 3,00
Autor: Mag.rer.nat. Bakk.rer.nat. Andreas Schober
Josef-Peter Schöggl
Morgane Marie Caroline Fritz
Univ.-Prof. Dr. mont. Rupert J. Baumgartner
Dipl.-Ing. Kerstin Pfandl
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