An Investigation on GIS-based Estimation of Municipal Solid Waste Generation

All planning, design and evaluation practices - from selection of waste bins (i.e. the number and the capacity) to evaluating alternative disposal options and planning Actions for waste reduction - in municipal solid waste (MSW) management depend on the solid waste generation data.
Solid waste generation is affected by different aspects. So, setting a general approach (forecasting model) for the estimation of solid waste generation in all regions or cities is impossible. This behavior, in turn, is affected by many other factors. These range from environmental factors to economic and demographic factors.
GIS are effective tools for the analysis of spatial variability (distribution) of demographic factors (e.g. population), and thus solid waste generation. This study aims to analyze spatial relationship between MSW generation and demographic factor 'population†and estimate solid waste generation rate in Turkey by applying a GIS-based statistical approach.

The amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated in a town or city is directly related with population living in the urban area. Therefore, growing MSW problem in developing countries is a result of dramatic increases in population in the mega cities of these countries. On the other hand, MSW generation is affected by many other parameters such as household income, education level, urban size, and industrialization.

In Turkey, MSW management is the most challenging issue for local governments today due to the increase in population, urbanization (i.e. rise of MSW generation in an area/region, kg/km²) and industrialization (i.e. increase of the per-capita MSW generation, kg/ca * day). While Turkey’s current population is 78 million, ranking 19th in the world, recent estimates by TurkStat and the United Nations indicate that it may increase to approximately 97 million in 2050 (Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2004). Together with high birthrate, migration from rural areas to metropolises is another significant factor in the rise in urban population in Turkey. While the population increase rate was 6.7 % from 2007 to 2012 in Turkey, the amount of MSW has raised approximately 6.2 % in the same period of time, according to TurkStat’s statistics.

The analysis of spatial variability of MSW generation has been started to be a part of MSW management planning and implementation very recently in metropolises of Turkey, because of widespread use of centralized / single waste disposal methods (mainly landfilling). The problems associated with centralized landfilling include high hauling costs, rapidly exhausting landfill capacities, environmental impacts and public opposition to such facilities. With growing urban areas and rising populations, local governments currently construct numerous waste transfer stations and plan to implement multiple waste disposal facilities for different districts of their cities.

It’s clear that past methods / practices applied for quantification of MSW stream do not meet today’s spatial assessment needs in MSW generation forecasting. With considering this need, this study aims to analyze spatial variability in MSW generation and apply Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-based MSW forecasting in NUTS-3 level in Turkey.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Recy & Depotech 2016 (November 2016)
Seiten: 8
Preis: € 4,00
Autor: Fulya Aydın
Assist. Prof. Dr. Hasan SarptaÅŸ
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