Overview of the Waste Management Situation and Planning in Greece

Waste management has been recognized as one of the most pressing problems in Greece suffering of a low level of organization and relying predominantly on semi-controlled landfills until the end of the previous century [9]. Nevertheless improvements have been made during the last twenty years making the solid waste management in Greece a well-structured, organized and environmentally responsible activity with specific goals, mostly in the urban areas. However, there is a big need of changing the waste Management model. The development of efficient use of resources is the mean of realizing this vision. The transformation of the economy towards a resource-efficient direction will lead to increased competitiveness and new sources of growth and jobs through cost reduction through improved efficiency, commercialization of innovations and better management of resources throughout the duration of cycle life.

Greece is a European country situated in the southeastern part of it, with estimated population 10.955.000 inhabitants in 2016. Administratively, Greece consists of
13 peripheries, with total land area of 131,957 km2. The MSW generation in Greece in 2001 was 4,529,585 tons, and it developed to 5,006,435 tons in 2011. A change from 416 to 457 kg per capita. During the financial crisis, a twenty percent decrease in MSW generation is estimated. Focusing on the Attica region, where Athens, the capital of Greece, is placed, the MSW generation reaches the quantity of 6,000 tons daily, which equals to 2.0 million tons of MSW per annum.

Copyright: © Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 6 (September 2016)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Dr. Efstratios Kalogirou
Antonios Sakalis
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