Optimized biological drying for a stable quality of RDF

The municipal utilities of Neumünster run a MBT plant which produces an annual capacity of 150.000 Mg of RDF from around 150.000 Mg/a residual waste, 32.000 Mg/a bulkywaste and around 60.000 Mg/a high calorific waste. After the comminution of the household waste fraction to parts below 80 mm, as well as parts of the bulky waste fraction to parts below 50 mm, the substance under goes biological drying in a static reactor. The goal is to reach a water content of 20 percent by weight within a drying period of 21 days. Although the drying process and the quality of the RDF have been improved continuously, quality fluctuations concerning the materials’ moisture content still occur. Due to the intensive supervision of the air management during the process of drying fora period of four month, it is now possible to control the drying process even in a static reactor by employing a targeted air Management.

A separate fuel processing system prepares the fractions with high heat value by definingthe material according to particle size and separating resources and
contaminants. In the first step the residual waste is reduced to pieces and then sorted at a dividing line of 80 mm by a separator. The particles of a high heat value, surpassing the limit are thus separated from undersized particles exhibiting higher water content. The bulkywaste is reduced on a separate line and sieved at a dividing line of 50 mm. Residualwaste particles passing the separating sieve, and optional parts of bulky trash particles which also surpassed, are cleaned with the aid of magnetizable metals before they are filled into a static reactor with a base of 30 x 6.5 m, at a height of approximately 2.5 m. The plant was built as a composting system by 'BIODEGMA®' under closed semipermeable covering sheets and has been subjected to various constructional changes since 2005. The principle of drying has thus remained valid and is based on pressurized rotting units, with ventilators supplying the bulk with air which is pressed through four supply air ducts. Additionally the air above the windrow is continuously aspirated. Due to the biologic decay of the organic material, the entire body of the windrow warms up, warming up the air that is flowing through it, so that the warm exhaust air also extracts water, and effectuates a drying of the material.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: Waste-to-Resources 2015 (Mai 2015)
Seiten: 14
Preis: € 7,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Ketelhut
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