Statistical Analysis of residential Food waste capture rates in Italy at municipal and regional level

This paper analyses capture rates of source separated food waste, focusing on data investigated from official publicwaste reports of Italian Local Authorities and Waste Monitoring Agencies, which show details at the level of theindividual municipalities.Source separation of residential food waste, performed with the typical Italian scheme (small kitchen buckets withcompostable bags) has spread throughout the country at a steady pace since 1998; currently, almost half of themunicipalities in Italy have implemented this kind of collection of residential food waste.

Today, it’s possible to outline a detailed overview of the performances of this system in different areas of the country.As regional averages include municipalities not collecting residential food waste, they are not representative of themany local best practices; thus, a statistical analysis has been performed on single municipal data considering just thosecollecting residential food waste.The statistical evaluation has been performed on a data set including 2.335 municipalities, equalling about 20 millioninhabitants and 54% of total food waste collected in Italy, using two different indicators (kg/inhabitant and percentageon total waste collected).The results show that in some regions and provinces residential food waste collection has already reached a definedtarget, while in other there are still huge possibilities of optimization.In this work, the average potential and target for northern Italy has been defined as 15% of total municipal wastecollected, with many best practices going well beyond that. For the southern regions this potential increases to 25%,with many municipalities easily achieving 30% of overall MSW collected. In particular, the Sardinia Region couldpossibly become a leading case study for many Mediterranean regions, with more than 30% food waste captured out ofthe total MSW and the introduction of specific 'stick and carrot†regulations.These average target levels, statistically derived, give an overview of future possibilities of improvement, both in areashistorically involved in this kind of collection and in those which have recently implemented it. In Italy, 2.200.000 t ofresidential food waste have been collected in 2009; according to the trends and targets outlined, source separation ofresidential food waste could get to more than 6 million tonnes, paving the way for 100 new composting or anaerobic digestion facilities.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2012 (Juni 2012)
Seiten: 9
Preis: € 9,00
Autor: Michele Giavini
Christian Garaffa
Dr. Massimo Centemero
G. Ghiringhelli
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