Determination of discarded Food and proposals for a minimization of Food wastage in Germany

The research project focussed on two topics. First, food waste along the value-added chain for food has been accountedand second, recommendations to contribute to a reduction in food waste were worked out.The determination of the amount of discarded food in Germany revealed a total amount of 10.970.000 tons food peryear.By projecting and transferring the result from previous research the following fluctuation margin of the amounts of foodwaste from the food industry emerges: 210,000 - 4,580,000 tons per year.

The median value of this projection is around1,9 million tons per year. Thus 17 percent of the determined food waste is in industry.Projecting and transferring the results from international studies also yields major fluctuation margins in the tradesector: 460,000 - 4,79 million tons per year. The median value of this projection is 550,000 tons per year. This includesalso the wholesale sector, for which wholesale markets were analysed by means of an example. For this sector a totalamount of food waste of 43,500 - 87,000 tons per year was determined. This corresponds to approximately a percentageof the amount handled each year. This fluctuation margins covers only organic waste and in some cases also includesplant and flower waste disposed together with food. The actual amount of food disposed of at German wholesalemarkets is likely to be smaller.The total amount of food waste from the large-scale consumers - for example restaurants, hotels, hospitals, schools - isbetween 1,5 and 2,3 million tons per year. The median value of this projection is approximately 1,9 million tons peryear. The catering industry accounts for the largest share of food waste, where a fluctuation margin of 837,000 -1,015,000 tons per year was calculated. The second largest amount of food waste comes from in-company catering,followed by the accommodation sector. The total amount of food waste from the large-scale consumer corresponds to ashare of 17 percent. About half of this amount could be avoided.The private households create the largest quantities of food waste. The total amount of food waste from households inGermany per year is between 5,8 to 7,5 million tons. These are discarded through the residual waste or organic wastecontainers or through other routes such as self-composting, feeding to pets or in the sewer system. So households inGermany accounts for about 61 percent of the total food waste. On average, every citizen throws away about 82 kilos offood every year. The amount of avoidable and partially avoidable food waste from households in Germany correspondsto a monetary value of 16,6 to 21,6 billion EUR per year or approximately 200 to 260 EUR per capita and year. For anaverage household of four, this means that each year avoidable and partially avoidable food waste worth approximately935 EUR is disposed of as residual waste, in organic waste containers and the sewer system, through self-composting orfed to pets.In the project a variety of preventive measures that contribute significantly to the avoidance of food waste has beenidentified, categorized, described and evaluated. The results show 34 promising approaches from different countries,which are explicitly discussed regarding the transferability to Germany. Primarily, these bestpractice examples relating to consumers, large-scale consumers, trade and the food industry. Political actionand scientific research projects were also discussed.This work was financially supported by the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV) through the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE), grant number 2810HS033.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2012 (Juni 2012)
Seiten: 13
Preis: € 13,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Gerold Hafner
Jakob Barabosz
o. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Kranert
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