Estimation of biologically available heavy metal content of composts by various extraction methods and ICP-OES multielemental detection

The different fractionation protocols may offer different chemical information on biologically available element content of compost, however, only to the BCR sequential extraction scheme is available a sediment type certificated reference material for validation the fractionation procedure. For soils, composts CRM samples are available only for single step extraction or digestion procedures.

In our preliminary studies application of different fractionation methods was widely used for sediment, soil and other solid environmental samples (e.g. red mud). The aim of our recent study is the preparation of compost reference material for total and releasable heavy metal analysis. For this aim a green compost sample was selected and about 50 kg was homogenized. An inter-laboratory comparison will be organized for determination of total soluble and biologically available heavy metal content. In our laboratory for multielemental analysis ICP-OES method will be applied using different extraction protocols for fractionation. (Lakanen Erviö, BCR, Hungarian Standard: MSZ- 21470-50:1998)

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2014 (Juni 2014)
Seiten: 0
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: György Heltai
Ph.D. László Aleksza
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