Examination of zinc adsorption capacity of soils treated with differenet pyrolisis products

During pyrolisis the high organic matter content materials (biomass originated organic matter) are heated in oxygen free (or limited amount of oxygen) environment. As a result, the solid phase that remains after eliminating the gases and liquid phase, is more stabile compared to the original product, it cannot be mineralized easily and its utilization is more beneficial in terms of climatic aspects. Furthermore, it can improve the soil structure, it can retain soil moisture and cations in the topsoil for long periods of time that are very important for plants.

In our experiment, the effects of biochar and bone char were examined on soils by zinc adsorption experiments. Based on our experiments, we concluded that the pyrolisis products can have significant Zn adsorption capacity compared to the soil. Bone ash can adsorb more Zn than the charcoal product. The Zn adsorption capacity of soils treated by pyrolisis products can be described by Langmuir adsorption isotherms. However, based on the amount of pyrolisis product, one or two term Langmuir isotherm fits well on the experiment data, which depends on the time that the pyrolisis product spent in the soil.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2014 (Juni 2014)
Seiten: 0
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Gabriella Rétháti
Dr. György Füleky
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