In-situ co-composting in a bedded-pack dairy barn

The currently developed Dutch bedded-pack barn is an integrated housing method for dairy cows. In this system, animal welfare, waste management and nutrient recovery considerations are merged for economic and ecological sustainability. The core design features the use of organic bedding and the application of an in-situ, co-composting process.

During the co-composting of the manure-bedding mixture, the process needs to be optimized for moisture removal (to keep the bedding dry for the kept animals) and the production of an emission-poor compost product for agricultural reuse. This implies that the co-composting process is designed to achieve the ‘slowest optimal’ degradation rate where a dominantly aerobic stabilization is achieved without extensive ammonia (NH3) and greenhouse gas (CH4 and N2O) emissions. The current paper details the preliminary research results regarding relevance of potential bedding materials (wooden by-products and municipal composts) f or this process, and the effectiveness of different co-composting regimes. The assessed composting methods include passive aeration (using daily agitation only), and two forced aeration methods (utilizing blowing- and suction-type ventilation). Next to the quality assessment of the bedding materials and composting regimes, the experimental results are also used for the validation of a newly developed, bedded-pack composting model. This model is developed to quantify moisture removal, degradation rate and ammonia losses during the co-composting process in the bedded-pack barn.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2014 (Juni 2014)
Seiten: 0
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Gábor Szántó
Andre J.A. Aarnink
Ir. Hendrik Jan van Dooren
Herman C. de Boer
Paul Galama
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