The investigation of respiration after mechanical biological treatment of municipal solid waste

The mechanical biological treatment (MBT) systems treat and process the mixed municipal solid waste and the residual of other waste treatment processes (e.g.: selective waste collection and sorting). The enrichment and assortment processes are conflated with biological treatments as composting in MBT. The primary aim of these treatments is to reduce the environmental hazards, volume, and mass of wastes, to stabilize the organic residues, and the retrieval of the recyclable waste materials (metals, refuse derived fuel-RDF).

One of the largest amount of material originated from the waste treatment is a compost-like material, that may be used to cover the landfill depend on the quality. These type of stabilized biowastes have to meet the legal requirements and have to be stable before utilization. The aim of our studies was to determine the 4 days respiration index (AT4) of municipal solid waste after MBT with OxiTop Control B6M-2,5 device. Respiration index was determined and followed during the time of stabilization. Preparation of samples and determination of respiration index were made based on different European standards.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2014 (Juni 2014)
Seiten: 0
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Miklós Gulyás
Dr. András Béres
Ph.D. László Aleksza
Sándor Dér
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