The Coolsweep Project - establishing common resources across borders within the field of waste-to-energy

Waste poses a major problem area as well as a great business potential in countries throughout the globe. Therefore, cross-regional collaboration between leading companies, universities, and public authorities is not only necessary to overcome problems of environmental degradation and pollution; it is also good business for everyone.
The Coolsweep project aims to support the development of these cross-regional partnerships by establishing research driven collaboration between leading European stakeholders within waste-to-energy. The project partners include five major European cleantech cluster organisations, two universities and one cluster analysis organisation deriving from Italy, Spain, Denmark, Austria, Norway, and Latvia.

The 3-year project period 2013-2016 of the Coolsweep project can be divided into the following four general phases:

Firstly, a comprehensive mapping of each of the partner regions will be carried out in order to get an overview of the central stakeholders, strengths, funding opportunities, legislative framework etc. of each region.

Secondly, the different regions will be compared in order to point out possible synergies and areas of intervention. On the basis of this, a number of central stakeholders which might benefit from cross-regional collaboration within the proposed intervention areas will be pointed out and invited to engage in dialogue.
Thirdly, Joint Action Plans will be developed in close collaboration with private and public stakeholders in order to formalize the cross-regional partnership projects.

Lastly, the fourth phase consists of implementing, supporting, and monitoring the new partnerships. The aim of the project is to create new projects worth at least €20 Million.

This article contains the current state of waste-to-energy in Norway, Denmark, Latvia and Austria as well as a comparative analysis of value chains, a Basque country profile regarding waste-to-energy and information on drivers and growth in Styria.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Depotech 2014 (November 2014)
Seiten: 23
Preis: € 20,00
Autor: Eva Næss Karlsen
Jonas Mortensen
Carmen Disanto
Mikel Ibarra
DI (FH) Tobias Schwab
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