Flue Gas Cleaning Today - Available Technologies and Latest Developments -

Many scientific approaches have been made in the past to determine the best flue gas cleaning technology. An answer given was always depending on the legal requirements, the public opinion, the technical status of the period and maybe also depending on the persons interest giving the answer. In other words, there is always a different or a new answer, depending on the year when you ask the question. We try to summarize today´s situation on available flue gas cleaning technologies knowing that the corresponding BREF document is undergoing a revision at the moment.

In this presentation we will concentrate on the cleaning of acid gas components like SOx, HCl and HF of the flue gas only. Other pollutants like heavy metals, dioxins/furans or NOx require different technologies, which have to be combined with the acid gas cleaning or which have to be added as an additional cleaning stage.

Acid gas components are treated usually by adding caustic sorbents to the gas flow. There is a principal difference in cleaning technologies for flue gas differentiated into dry, semidry or wet procedures. In between is a significant number of hybrid-technologies, which combine these procedures to multistage cleaning systems. Multistage cleaning combines advantages of individual technologies to achieve an improved efficiency or economy.

As reactive sorbents available are different depending on the cleaning process:

• dry systems use either hydrated lime or sodium bicarbonate (actually sodium hydrogen carbonate),

• semidry systems use quicklime,

• wet systems use caustic soda, quicklime or limestone.

Copyright: © Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 4 (November 2014)
Seiten: 12
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Christian Fuchs
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