Investigation of spectral properties of high organic matter content wastes and soil-waste complexes

High organic matter content non-hazardous wastes are important and potentially growing sources of material that could be applied to cultivated soils to improve their fertility and increase their organic matter content, thus also potentially contributing to the prevention of global warming through carbon sequestration. Tools to predict the fate of these kinds of organic wastes/soil amendments in soil would enable better account to be taken of their contribution to global environmental balances and spectroscopic measurements and analyses seem to be promising and novel methods.

The objectives of our work were to evaluate of the spectral properties in the VIS-NIR region of the wastes, soils and amended soils, to perform multivariate calibrations to statistically relate the reflectance spectra to certain waste, soil and amended soil parameters and to estimate different chemical properties, composition of organic waste and emended soils from the spectra. Different chemical properties of biochars, composts, liquid digestates, and the amended soil samples were measured. Beside the conventional chemical analyzes VIS-NIR measurements were also performed on the same samples. The results of the conventional laboratory measurements were compared with the recorded spectral dataset.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2014 (Juni 2014)
Seiten: 0
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Ph.D. Tamás András Szegi
Prof. Dr. Marta Fuchs
Miklós Gulyás
Annamaria Holes
Ph.D. László Fenyvesi
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