Waste - valuables - secondary resources - contaminants - waste again?

‘Closing the loop’ numbers among the confessions of environmental policy. And it is true: Without getting out resources from waste, some naturally scarce resources will run out of supply very early. Material recovery mostly saves energy in comparison to the production out of primary materials.

 Societies with severe lack of resources were always acquainted to re-use and recycling to extend their own life and welfare. These societies learned to collect used products and how to gain valuable parts or substances from waste.
© 2013 Henning Friege; Licensee Springer

Copyright: © Eigenbeiträge der Autoren
Quelle: Jahrgang 2013 (Dezember 2013)
Seiten: 2
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Prof. Dr. Henning Friege
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