Water-Related Problems with the Output of Digestate from Biogas Plants - data sheet DWA-M 907

The DWA-group GB 6.6 Effects and consequences of the cultivation and use of renewable raw materials (energy crops) on soil and groundwater has developed the data sheet DWA-M 907 Production of biomass for biogas plants under the consideration of soil and water conservation for the current debate on the promotion of renewable resources for heating and energy use. The rapid growth of biogas and cofermentation plants which took place in the last 10 years helps to achieve the climate goals of the European Union, contributes to energy supply diversification, particularly on a regional scale and represents an additional source of income in rural Areas.

Cultivation of energy crops is focused on maize, due to the familiarity in the cultivation of maize, existing fermentation technology and its high energy yield. In some areas this narrows the crop rotation. Rising manure application and accelerated erosion are the consequences of intensive maize cultivation, which in turn can lead to water pollution. The growing of biomass will in addition further the transition from permanent grassland to cropland, as well as reactivate fallow land and intensify agriculture generally by growing energy crops, which entails additional risks for water protection.

The conversion of biomass materials leave digestates as end products to be taken care of. Due to the increasing amount of digestates and the insufficient control of the nutrients in the application on agricultural land occur further risks for water protection. Also co-fermentation substrates can be contaminated which poses an additional risk for water protection.

The compiled data sheet (M-907) targets politics, administration, agricultural extension and farmers specializing in the cultivation of renewable raw materials. The paper provides agricultural consulting and positive support of agriculture in choosing the right crop rotation and the utilization of digestates consistent with soil and water conservation.

Copyright: © TK Verlag - Fachverlag für Kreislaufwirtschaft
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 3 (Oktober 2012)
Seiten: 9
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Dr. Christine von Buttlar
Dr. sc. agr. Frank Eulenstein
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