Variations of Flue Gas Cleaning Systems in Waste to Energy Plants

The range of available Flue Gas Cleaning Systems spreads from simple systems like the Dry Sorption to complex multistage Wet Scrubbing Systems, which even may be combined to form Hybrides to fulfill very particular economic or technical conditions. Within the spectrum in principle every requirement can be fulfilled.

Before each planning has to be made an assessment with all relevant criteria for this particular project. This is the only way to choose the most advantageous technology for this Project.

This is a presentation and comparism of the available technologies to clean flue gas from incineration of waste or RDF.

All of these technologies have been developed, installed and tested during the recent years in Germany and Europe and have proven to be reliable and efficient in most cases. All fulfill the legal emission standards of today.

Nevertheless, there are differences: Some systems are more efficient, some are more economic, some treat particular pollutants better than other pollutants etc.

We want to describe the different Flue Gas Cleaning technologies available nowadays with the benefits they offer, but also show possible limitations in their application.

It is not target of this presentation to make detailed recommendations to define the best technology. To our understanding all mentioned technologies are reasonable under certainconditions.

It is our target to promote the understanding that every individual project requires a very careful analysis of all circumstances and conditions to be able to select the best technology for this individual Project.

Copyright: © Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 3 (Oktober 2012)
Seiten: 11
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Christian Fuchs
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