Optimization and Designing of Modern Waste-to-Energy Plants

About 400 waste incineration boilers with a total incineration capacity of approx. 45,000 tons of waste per hour exist in Germany today.

Germany is well provided with waste-to-energy plants, there is no demand for further Expansion currently. The same applies to RDF-(refuse-derived-fuel) plants: the incineration capacity to utilize RDF is sufficient for its production in Germany.

There is a very different situation in many other countries in the world. Even today there is a focus on waste disposal and treatment by landfill. However, there are many different reasons for taking another new direction.

• Changes in legislation, for example in the new EU accession countries. (The European law about waste 2008/98/EG defines that all EU Member States have to effort to professional refuse utilization. On 31/12/2014 the Commission responsible checks the progress and concepts of the Member States. Having waited and postponed necessary decisions put many countries under pressure today.)

• Catastrophic environmental problems by unprofessional realization of landfill

• Acceptance problems in population (e.g. in Vietnam, in Brazil and others)

• Landfills and their impact as disturbing argument for tourism

In many countries the waste amounts are considerable and, even setting for example 35 % of the utilizing waste amounts as target value, there still remains open a high potential for power Generation.

Copyright: © Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 3 (Oktober 2012)
Seiten: 7
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Michael Feldmann
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Marcius
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