The Utilisation of MBT Fractions in a Concord Blue Reformer

Aim of the described project is to present the thermochemical conversion of defined RDF-fractions in a staged steam gasifier, the Concord Blue Reformer, and to demonstrate that this type of disposal is not only technically feasible but also an interesting economical alternative. The contribution provides the principles of the gasification process and points out the advantages of the process with respect to plastic containing feedstock. Based on the feedstock delivered by ECOWEST which is produced as heavy fraction in their MBT both the energetically efficiencies will be discussed and the expected economical results will be presented.

The overall aim of the here presented project is to demonstrate that RDF fractions which up to now can't be used besides incineration with a downstream steam cycle with the resulting low energetic efficiency can be used considerably more efficient and yet economically feasible in a gasification processes a following motor-driven power and heat generation.
The input material in the present case is a RDF fraction from the MBT ECOWEST in Ennigerloh. The construction of the used MBT where mixed municipal solid wastes and commercial wastes similar to household wastes are put in a shredder prior to separating the wet biological fraction from metal and glass and from stones and plastic PVC as far as possible. The remaining material stream is dried in the following and by means of sieving divided in a light and a heavy fraction. The light fraction is used particularly in the revolving kilns of the cement industry. Up to now the heavy fraction must be incinerated in the waste incineration plant.

Copyright: © Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stoffspezifische Abfallbehandlung ASA e.V.
Quelle: 9. Recyclingtage 2012 (September 2012)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 5,00
Autor: Dr. Heinz-Jürgen Mühlen
Sebastian Flahs
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