MBT with integrated utilisation of organic waste

A concept for an economical optimisation of the existing waste management centre for a municipality was compiled. In the frame of the development of the concept different alternatives for the treatment and disposal of wastes were tested and assessed and based on the existing disposal situation (current situation):
- residual waste/road sweepings
- biowaste and green waste.

A concept for an economical optimisation of the existing waste management centre for a municipality was designed in consideration of the local frame conditions.
A total of 9 alternatives were considered which were allocated to the following basically superior blocks:
I. Further operation of the mechanical biological residual waste treatment plant (MBT).
II. Mechanical pre-treatment of residual wastes and external disposal
III. External disposal of residual wastes as of the year 2016 without any pretreatment at the waste management centre
An overall cost evaluation was carried out including all existing waste treatment plants at the location including the landfill. The costs have been ascertained over an assessment period of 20 years (2016-2035) and prepared with financial calculation method for a value comparison. The result proved that the assessed alternatives contrary to the actual situation (operation of the present MBT for residual wastes and separate operation of the present biowaste digestion plant) show more favourable values. The alternatives are combined with an external disposal of residual wastes and an alternative utilisation respectively abandonment of existing plants at the location or a construction of new plants. Hereby the costs of the alternatives fluctuate except of the alternative of the current situation in the frame of a possible exactness of this investigation step in comparable magnitude.

Copyright: © Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stoffspezifische Abfallbehandlung ASA e.V.
Quelle: 9. Recyclingtage 2012 (September 2012)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 5,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Ralph Eitner
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