Restrictions on Fisheries in the Multi-Level System of Governance (‘Cascade System’) in Light of EU Law

Overfishing has very negative consequences for the food web; not only for the ‘target species’ but for the marine ecosystem as a whole. It also impacts on biodiversity, which must be preserved and, where necessary, restored. The establishment of protected areas is currently one of the instruments recognised as a means to facilitate the con-servation of marine ecosystems.

 The qualitative descrip-tors for the determination of a ‘good environmental status’ contained in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)3 not only assume that biodiversity is to be main-tained, but also relate specifically to the components of the marine food webs. All elements of the marine food webs should exhibit a normal frequency and diversity, whereby even the populations of all of the commercially exploited fish and shellfish should remain within safe biological lim-its. The population age and size distributions should be indicative of a healthy stock.4 Much work is required if this is to be anything more than just a utopian ideal. It is, in this respect, also worth investigating restrictions on sea fisheries, and the corresponding legal foundations, as such restrictions, especially in respect of ‘bottom fishing activi-ties,’5 must be taken into consideration in the context of nature protection measures.6 Fishing methods employing bottom set gill nets and beam trawls fish not only the dem-ersal populations - the ground fish - more or less selec-tively, but also damage the ecosystem directly. It was this fact that led the European Union to stop bottom trawling in areas where coldwater corals are found.

Copyright: © Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Quelle: EurUp 05/2011 (Oktober 2011)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 32,00
Autor: Prof. Dr. Detlef Czybulka
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