Design of a pipeline rehabilitation including the modern approach of PIMS and RMS

An Eastern European pipeline operator was facing challenges regarding the integrity of an existing pipeline system in which several leaks and accidents had already occurred. In order to render the system 'Fit for Purpose†a number of tests and rehabilitation possibilities were analysed by ILF Consulting Engineers and an optimum rehabilitation concept defined. The actual condition of the pipeline system was first assessed with respect to current standards, resulting in recommendations for the replacement or rehabilitation of some pipeline sections. The future integrity and safety of the pipeline system will, however, depend on the continuing implementation of 'Risk Management†and 'Pipeline Integrity Management†systems.

RMS looks at the PIMS, which assesses the integrity of the pipeline installation itself, but also looks at the possible consequences of all pipeline external threats that might cause risks. These risks are not only related to the loss of containment and the costs of repairs or downtime of the pipeline system itself, but are also related to the consequences of an incident to the environment and public safety which could seriously damage the corporate reputation. Many operators are mixing the RMS and PIMS systems up and when a problem/incident or threat occurs they will start looking for a solution instead of investigating the real root of the problem. ILF Consulting Engineers can assist and/or provide the pipeline operating companies the knowledge that will allow them to manage the complex tasks, planning and mitigation processes that are required to control, reduce and mitigate the risks of pipeline operation.

Copyright: © DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH
Quelle: GWF international 2 2011 (Oktober 2011)
Seiten: 4
Preis: € 4,00
Autor: Markus Rieder
Abraham Louwerse
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